Steps to Amazing Logo Design
Every business needs an awesome, eye-catching logo. A logo is what distinguishes and identifies a brand.
In fact, when you think of brands like “Apple,” “Coca-Cola,” or even “Hamburger Helper,” chances are that their logos pop right into your mind.
If you want a logo like that- one that has the power to stick with those who see it and make them constantly return to it- then you need a skilled logo design team working behind you.
At C0MPLÉX1, we can meet all your graphic design logo needs. We know how to create a logo that makes a big impression and that says something positive about your brand.
We also work with you throughout the logo design process to help ensure you are happy with the end product. The C0MPLÉX1 creative process is set up so you can be involved at each step of your logo’s design. If you want the best logo possible, then you’ll want to work with us.

Simple is Better
One mistake people sometimes make with their logos is thinking they need something complex or big and bold.
While that can sometimes work in your favor, most modern logos err on the side of sleek and polished. Take the simplistic Twitter and Facebook logos, for example. They only use two colors, yet they are distinct and memorable.
If a logo gives the brain too much to process, it can actually be off-putting and easier to forget than a simple, more comprehensive logo.
At C0MPLÉX1, we’ll give you any kind of logo you want, but we do try to apply modern design principles that can keep your logo from looking dated and ensure it doesn’t stand out in a bad way.
Choose Color with Care
Above, we mentioned how popular logos, like Facebook and Twitter, use only two colors. Whether you’re using two colors or twenty, however, color is very important in terms of a logo.
Different colors have different connotations, sometimes subsconscious ones, to those who view them. Plus, colors have been shown to have an impact on mood and even on spending behavior.
We know all the psychology surrounding color, and we apply our knowledge when helping you to choose the right color palette for your logo. We also have a good eye for simpler but still important things, like what colors look good together and which ones clash.
If you want to send the right message with your logo, you need our experts behind the scenes, getting the color and all the other details just right.
Stand Out from the Competition
Another important thing for businesses to do is to be aware of what their competition is doing.
There often tends to be a “trend” among brands of a similar type, one which causes all of their logos to look similar. This often happens because they’re following what is popular in design and are trying to convey the same things. What happens, however, is that the logos often become difficult to distinguish, which leads to all the brands running together, instead of standing out like they should.
Here at C0MPLÉX1, we’ll keep your business from falling into that trap. We always take a careful look at what similar brands are doing. And, thanks to our extensive research, we make sure you end up with a truly unique logo that will differentiate your brand and your business from all the rest.
Contact C0MPLÉX1 Today
Are you ready to have the best logo that money can buy? Are you ready for your brand to stand out in all the right ways?
If you answered yes to these questions, then you’re ready for a C0MPLÉX1 logo! Contact us today to get started on the creative process that will lead to the logo you want and need.