5 Tips For A Better Landing Page Experience

Estimated Reading Time for This Post: 2 minutes, 11 seconds; approximately 448 words.

Having trouble converting page views into paying customers? Experiencing high abandonment rates on your website? It may have something to do with your landing page.

In an ever increasingly digital world, you only have milliseconds to convert readers into buyers, window shoppers into paying customers…and your landing page experience has everything to do with the success you experience.


There are numerous factors that go into a great landing page experience – elements that you may have never even considered before. Below, we outline 5 key tips to help you improve your user experience.

Create a Better Landing Experience in 5 Steps

Target Your Consumer.

Who is your customer? What are they interested in? Does your landing page content speak to that consumer? Target your consumer by creating content that is tailored to their needs, whether that’s to answer a question, solve a problem, or provide information. Your content should be something that the consumer wants, needs or doesn’t yet know that they need.

Keep it relevant.

Study your target consumers. The more you know about them, the better off you’ll be able to come up with content that is specifically tailored to them. Keeping your content relevant = Keeping your consumer on your landing page.

Consider the design.

Web design continues to be one of the most overlooked, avoided areas for webmasters. Why? Many are unable or unwilling to invest in a visually appealing, functional web design  due to a fear of cost, a fear of time commitment, or both. However, with a little digging, there are actually many affordable web designs available if you’re willing to roll up your sleeves a little.

Include pertinent information.

If your website has to do with sports cars, and you are guiding someone to a landing page titled “Sports Car X,” it only makes sense to the consumer that the page should be about “Sports Car X”.

When designing your landing page, don’t trick or confuse consumers by titling your page one thing and then discussing something totally irrelevant. Relevancy not only helps retain potential consumers, it also helps the search engines figure out what your landing page is about.

Find a unique way to tell your story.

As unique as you may think your business is now, there’s always someone out there waiting to compete with you, if they’re not already. How will you differentiate what you are doing from what they are doing? What is your unique selling proposition (USP)? Find a unique way to tell your story. Use CTAs sparingly but strategically. Offer something to your consumers that they won’t be able to find anywhere else.

What other tips can you think of to improve the success of your landing pages?

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